#IPGESTE: Conference Programme

Book of Abstract as of August 28, 2016

final programme

International Perspectives on Geography and Earth Science Teacher Education 2016

Monday, September 26

9:00 – 9:30 am





room 5.0H06: Welcome

  • Prof. Dr. Walter Rohrer, Head of International Office
  • Dr. Kathrin Viehrig, Co-Chair, Organizing Committee
  • Prof. Dr. Philippe Hertig, Swiss Association for Geographic Education (VGD-CH)

Dr. Kathrin Viehrig (Switzerland): International perspectives on Geography and Earth Science Teacher Education – An Introduction

9:30 – 10:00 am Coffee & Tea Break
10:00 – 12:00 room 5.0H06: Keynote session: The current situation of teacher education

Keynote 1: Prof. Dr. Sibylle Reinfried (Switzerland): Earth Science and Geography – more than just collecting rocks and knowing the countries of the world

Keynote 2: Dr. Theresa Bourke (Australia): Standards in Teacher Education – Mirage or miracle cure?

Keynote 3: Prof. Dr. Joseph Stoltman (USA): Geography’s role in developing a worldview: teachers and students

12:o0 – 1:30 pm Lunch
1:30 – 2:40 pm room 5.0H06: Session

  • Yvonne Behnke (Germany): Learning-Related Challenges Presented by Graphic Visualisations in Geography Textbooks
  • Nina Scholten, Prof. Dr. Sandra Sprenger (Germany): The Missing Link between Competence and Performance – Introducing Noticing into Geography Teacher Education
  • Prof. Dr. Sibylle Reinfried (Switzerland): „Wherever spring water is released, there must be caves” – An analysis of students’ knowledge construction and reasoning about complex and abstract geoscience concepts and how they can be changed through instruction
2:40 – 3:15 pm Coffee & Tea Break
3:15 – 4:00 pm Workshops for teachers, teacher students and teacher educators

  • Room 5.0B16: Marian Blankman (Netherlands): How to develop a good geography lesson
  • room 5.0H06: Prof. Dr. Rolf Tanner (Switzerland): „Nachhaltige Entwicklung lernen – ein kompetenzorientiertes Lernmedium für die Sekundarstufe II“ (Learning sustainable development – a competence-oriented learning medium for upper secondary school)
4:05 – 4:55 pm room 5.0H06: Panel discussion: How much of a geographer do you need to be to teach geography?

·      Dr. Clare Brooks (UK)

·      Prof. Dr. Sibylle Reinfried (Switzerland)

·      Prof. Dr. Sarah Bednarz (USA)

·      Prof. Dr. Philippe Hertig (Switzerland)

4:55 – 5:00 pm room 5.0H06: Closing Day 1

There will be an optional guided tour of the city starting at 5:30 pm, with a possibility to have dinner together afterwards at a restaurant in town.

Tuesday, September 27

9:00 – 10:20 am









room 5.0H06: Keynote session: Selected challenges for teacher education

Keynote 4: Dr. Thomas Kisser, Prof. Dr. Alexander Siegmund (Germany): In-service teachers’, teacher trainers’ and government stakeholders’ views on competence based education

Keynote 5: Dr. Joseph Kerski (USA): Benefits, challenges, and lessons learned in professional development for educators using GIS and other geospatial technologies

Coffee & Tea Break

Keynote 6: Marian Blankman (Netherlands): Content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge of geography teachers: challenges and constraints

11:35 – 12:45 Sessions:

room 5.0H06: Room A:

  • Marco Lupatini (Switzerland): Which role does public space play in geography teaching?
  • Dr. Rod Lane (Australia): Promoting conceptual change and deep understanding in the Earth Sciences: an online approach
  • Dr. Kathrin Viehrig (Switzerland): Pre-service geography teachers’ voices on the choice of spatial examples
12:45 – 2:00 pm Lunch
2:00 – 2:45 pm





2:50 – 3:35 pm



Workshops for teachers, teacher students and teacher educators

  • Room 5.0B16: Christian Sailer (Switzerland): Developing technology enhanced field trips
  • room 5.0H06: Dr. Georg Eysel-Zahl (Germany): Erneuerbare Energie und Nachhaltigkeit in der Bildung – Ein Projektvorschlag mit Handreichung und Unterrichtsmaterial (Renewable Energy and sustainable development in education – A project proposal with teacher guide and lesson material)
  • Room PC 1.241: Vera Fuchsgruber, Guido Riembauer, Dr. Nils Wolf, Prof. Dr. Alexander Siegmund (Germany): Satellite Images in Geography Classes – A Web-based Learning Environment
  • Room 5.0B16: Daniel Siegenthaler (Switzerland): Geschichte des Schulfachs Geographie (History of the school subject Geography)


3:35 – 4:05 pm Coffee & Tea Break
4:05 – 4:50 pm Workshops for teachers, teacher students and teacher educators

  • Room PC 1.241: Dr. Joseph Kerski: Teaching with geotechnologies: Analyzing change from a geographic perspective using web maps, including population change, natural hazards, weather and climate, collecting and mapping your own field data, and creating, sharing, and assessing story maps and other web mapping communications tools
  • Room 5.0H06: Daria Hollenstein, Prof. Dr. Susanne Bleisch (Switzerland): „IVGI Noise App“: Raising awareness of noise pollution and promoting spatial technologies in secondary schools

Room 5.0B16: VSGG (Swiss Association of Geography Teachers) annual member meeting

4:55 – 5:35 pm Room 5.0H06: Closing Keynote 7: Dr. Michael Solem (USA): A research coordination network for transformative research in geography education
5:35 – 5:45 pm Room 5.0H06: Closing of the conference