Public History International.
Beyond school? Comparative Perspectives
[Concept | Programme | Inscription | Additional Events: Public Lectures]
The editors of Public History Weekly are glad to announce an international conference on the state and the challenges of public history and its relation to school. The conference will take place in Basel (Switzerland) on October 2/3, 2015 (from 2 pm Friday to 3 pm Saturday). The conference will be open to the public (except the last session) and will be held in English.
The conference will consist of 4 public sections focussing on different topics (see below). In every section we will have 3 speakers with talks of about 20 minutes. Section 4 will be a roundtable discussion. The last section on Saturday will not be open to the public.
The conference will take place at:
Pädagogische Hochschule FHNW
Institut Sek I und II
Riehenstrasse 154
4058 Basel
You can find the venue here on Google Maps.
with financial support by
Please see:
⇒ Concept
⇒ Programme
⇒ Participation / Inscription
⇒ Additional Events: Public Lectures
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