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Friday October 2 2015
14.00 Welcome
- Marko Demantowsky (Editor-in-chief Public History Weekly)
- Serge Noiret (Chair, Steering Committee IFPH)
- Walter Rohrer (International Affairs, PH FHNW)
- Mills Kelly (Member of the Advisory Board Public History Weekly)
Marko Demantowsky: Our understanding of „Public History“ in international perspective
15.00 Public History in the classroom (public access)
Teaching, learning, and understanding of Public History in schools as challenge for students and teachers
- Comment / Moderation: Daisy Martin (Stanford, USA)
- Speaker 1: Rob Siebörger (Cape Town, South Africa)
- Speaker 2: Cord Arendes (Heidelberg, Germany)
- Speaker 3: Christoph Kühberger (Salzburg, Austria)
16.30 Coffee Break
16.50 School as an institution of public history (public access)
Influence of schools on local public history | Influence of the school system on national varieties of public history | Teachers as public history agents | Interactions of schools with museums, memorial institutions, broadcasting institutions etc.
- Comment / Moderation: Robert Parkes (Newcastle, Australia)
- Speaker 1: Mario Carretero (Madrid, Spain)
- Speaker 2: Marco Zerwas (Basle, Switzerland)
- Speaker 3: Michele Barricelli (Hannover, Germany)
18.20 Apéro
19.00 Keynote
Serge Noiret (Florence, Italy): Why Public History and Digital History is a valid and vital marriage internationally?
20.00 Dinner (on invitation only)
Saturday October 3 2015
09.00 School in Public History (public access)
History policies, political opinion making and ideas on school and its history lesson as projections of sustainable history power
- Comment / Moderation: Alix Green (Preston, GB)
- Speaker 1: Peter Gautschi (Lucerne, Switzerland)
- Speaker 2: Thomas Hellmuth (Salzburg, Austria)
- Speaker 3: Jan Hodel (Basle, Switzerland)
10.30 Coffee Break
11.00 Roundtable (public access)
The future of public history – what shall we teach perspectively?
- Moderation: Mills Kelly (Fairfax, USA)
- Speaker 1: Alexander Khodnev (Yaroslawl, Russian Federation)
- Speaker 2: Cord Arendes (Heidelberg, Germany)
- Speaker 3: Mustafa Gündüz (Istanbul, Turkey)
- Speaker 4: Charlotte Bühl-Gramer (Nuremberg, Germany)
12.00 Closing: Marko Demantowsky
13.30 #OA Publishing as Public History Practice (Editorial Meeting 2015, closed)
Theory, empiricism, and experiences of publishing an OA „blog journal“
Exchange of experiences and ideas in writing „Initials“ for PHW
- Annual Report on 2014/2015 by Marko Demantowsky
- Remarks on editorial work by Jan Hodel, Marco Zerwas.
- Discussion and consulting
15.00 End
Venue: The conference will take place at:
Pädagogische Hochschule FHNW
Institut Sek I und II
Riehenstrasse 154
4058 Basel
You can find the venue here on Google Maps.