IGAS Study Group meets in Brugg

IGAS Study Group Workshop September 2017



IGAS (International Geography Assessment Study) project aims at introducing geography as part of TIMSS in 2023.





The IGAS-study group meets for a 3-day SNF-funded International Exploratory Workshop at PH-FHNW’s Brugg-Windisch campus from September 10-12, 2017.

The workshop participants are from left to right: Dr. Eugenio Gonzalez (IEA and ETS), Dr. Theresa Bourke (QUT, Australia), Dr. Rod Lane (Macquarie University, Australia), Prof. Dr. Joseph Stoltman (Western Michigan University, USA), Erik Bijsterbosch (Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands), Prof. Dr. Michael Solem (AAG & Texas State University, USA), Prof. Dr. Okkyong Yoon (Cheongju National University of Education, South Korea), Prof. Dr. Miroslav Marada (Charles University, Czechia), Dr. Kathrin Viehrig (PH-FHNW, Switzerland) and Prof. Dr. Chew Hung Chang (NIE, NTU, Singapore).

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